Month: September 2022
Powers Of Attorney And Guardianships: What’s The Difference?
In the world of estate planning, a durable power of attorney can be a valuable thing to have. Although on the surface it may seem concerning, it can, ...
Passing Without A Will Can Lead To Probate Problems
You may know that avoiding probate is often a good idea and that there are many ways to do it through estate planning. But what happens if you have no...
Who Can Object To Something A Guardian Decides To Do?
It is a fact of life that family does not often agree with each other when it comes to major life decisions. The same is true when a family member is ...
The Pros And Cons Of Reverse Mortgages
If there’s one product in real estate that tends to get a lot of publicity, it’s a reverse mortgage. Mortgage companies often hire celebrities to ...
Managing Partner Michelle Garcia Gilbert Contributes to Whitepaper Published in DS News
Managing Partner Michelle Garcia Gilbert contributed to the whitepaper Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (Regulation F) published in DS News. The whi...