Month: January 2023
What Happens To Homestead Property, In Probate Court?
Florida is unique amongst many states in that it completely protects your homestead property from creditors. Absent you giving permission for your hom...
Understanding Basic Documents In Your Real Estate Closing
When you sit for a real estate closing, and in the weeks beforehand, there will be a lot of terms thrown around. Some terms are so basic, they may nev...
What Happens If You Buy Property With A Tenant Living In The Property?
If you buy property at foreclosure, you may already be aware of some of the risks involved. Encounters such as liens that survive foreclosure or poor ...
Adjustable And Fixed Rate Mortgage Pros And Cons
During the housing market crash in the late 2000s, a lot of the blame was placed on so-called “exotic” mortgage products. These were mortgages tha...