Category: Real Estate Transaction
Real Estate Closings: What to Expect When Purchasing Real Estate and Using a Lender
Real Estate Closings can be time-sensitive and highly important to many. After all, purchasing real estate can mark a significant milestone for most o...
Understanding Eviction in Tampa, Florida
As a law firm based in Tampa, Florida, Gilbert Garcia Group, P.A. understands that eviction proceedings can be a complicated and stressful process for...
Be On The Lookout For These Real Estate Scams
Scams are everywhere in life, and the good thing is that we have become pretty savvy about seeing them and avoiding them. We all know when an email or...
Understanding The Types Of Joint Property Ownership
When you buy property, the property may not just be yours. The title may also include names of others such as family members, friends, or business par...
Can You Be Bound By Agreements You Don’t Sign?
Can you be bound to, and obligated to follow, a contract that you didn’t sign? That may seem counterintuitive, and even non-lawyers know that to be ...
Can A Quiet Title Lawsuit Help You?
Are Verbal Promises To Create A Will Enforceable In Court?
It is not uncommon for people to help older people, or people who are sick and infirm, often on the promise that they will receive something from the ...
Be Very Careful With Balloon Payment Loans
Let’s say it’s time to buy a new home or property, and you take out a mortgage on that property. The mortgage payments look very affordable—much...
What Happens To Homestead Property, In Probate Court?
Florida is unique amongst many states in that it completely protects your homestead property from creditors. Absent you giving permission for your hom...